Qing+ Bottle Cage

$ 44.95
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Qing+ bottle cage with an integrated tire lever

Qing+ is the patented bottle cage with an integrated tyre removal lever. How many times do we prepare for a bicycle ride and forget the tube removal kit? With the mount of 2 Qing+ bottle cages, you will not need to remember that kit anymore as each Qing+ integrates a stiff lever in the body cage. Qing+ also optimised the space of jersey pockets and cycling bags with an additional advantage in terms of weight savings.

Bottle cage with integrated replacing tire lever placed in the central body cage
2 products in 1, it allows to improve pockets and saddle bag space
Qing+ is made of high-performance Polyamide/Carbon fibre composite
The tire lever is produced by high-performance Polyamide/Glass Fibre Composites suitable to endure the tire removal pressure
Super lightweight cage of 17g only engineered in order to keep the highest stiffness grade
Brand new design and optimized tire lever shape
Easy bottle pick-up from either frame side
Patented product

MATERIAL - Carbon Fibre/Nylon Composite
SIZE - 85(L) x 79(D) x 148(H)mm
WEIGHT - 28g (w/o bolt)
COLOUR - Black, Blue, Grey, Red, White
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